Step 1
After choosing your product you use the name of which Avatar series it is 1,2,3 or 4 together with the number that is above the photo page.
Copy this to the contact box that is indicated by the contact sheet. This together with your first name, last name, address, and telephone number. And press send. Then we will contact you again to discuss the dimensions. This takes us to step two.
Step 2
In step two you specify the size that you want. You also have the option to choose to send the piece of art without a frame. However, this is usually done. This connection with home furnishings, taste and color. Namely to ensure that you have complete freedom in the style of decoration at home. Then we will be responsible for the beautiful piece of art work. We send these neatly in a paper roll. To the correct address.
After your choice is clear and this is confirmed between you and us. Then we proceed to payment on step 3.
Step 3
As soon as the payment is on our account, we will send you a confirmation together with the artwork immediately.
Then I may congratulate you on your piece of art This of which only 2 in the world are privately owned or operated.
The other may be in our largest museum in the Netherlands. Well, you may think so of shit. Don't worry, the reason why we chose it is the following. Once the museum has the other official piece of art And with this the familiarity with the day grows.
The price and value of the piece of art that you have in house will also grow with it, Haha you didn't see that coming huh..?
You may experience delays on public holidays. Sorry for this!